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Old 09-27-03, 11:00 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

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anyway, this was a dope piece, dawg. The storytelling aspect of it was dope, you explained each scene, each feeling perfectly. You made things personel with lines like:

"Numbness Was Circulating In Both My Legs.........
Deeep Down Inside I wished I was Dead........"

You had a great array of vocab throught, not one bar was left out, and it fitted in with the story, it wasn't just a bunch of 10 letter words that mean't nothin, it takes skill in order to execute that skill, and you done it nicely.

Your structure was nice, had the look of a freestyle, but had the content of a thoughtful emotional piece..tight.

Overall:8/10, will peep part 2. mos def. It was good overall, try to keep the bars more of the same length...

can you peep my piece "Looking Back", gettin sleeped on a bit..cheers dawg. -
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