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Old 09-27-03, 01:17 PM   #1
FanTa ZeE
Posts: n/a
Bastarding Men (its not what y'all think, not dissin the good men out there)


They want sex from us...and if they dont get it...they take it anyway,
They can do that, and yet why can't we?
This world is one of unequality/
Women on the streets struggling to get by, in the slums, cradling babies.
God give man the power to crush us in the palm of his hand,
To rip up our hearts into pieces and blow them away into the wind,
They have a strict control over us, we have no voice, we will always be second best.
Always be behind them, considered inferior in every way,
They can impregnate us, then toss us out in the cold nine months down the line,
When they get sick, we are treat like dogs, at our masters beck and call.
They are sronger than us, or so were made to think,
No wonder rape is so low on the agenda these days,
Why would anyone care about women?
They can steal the one thing sacred to us, our virginity,
And once its gone its gone forever, dead.
They can scar us for life because of their sick pleasures.
Bastarding men...........

i do understand that all men aren't bastards, thats not the point...i know a few i could mention that are worthy of that title. This is about all the bad ones, who treat women like shit, the poem had no rhyme scheme, it was basically how i feel and quotes put together in such a way that hopefully it makes a few people think.

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