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Old 10-02-03, 04:46 AM   #14
Soul Theory
Dope Beats . . . period.
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Posts: 1,436
From: Miami . . . what!?!

Originally posted by THUGBLOOD
^^ dude atleaast u can do is POLl it AN get teh FUK outta Here wit da BUllshit kid
dont be gay an get me banned for make belive CONVos KId
damn that gets me heated....
LOL wow atleast think of sumthing better t osay kid
an meezy05 LOl who the fuk is that
Ucan POLL TI constant atleast man
make it fair

My bad THUGBLOOD, Constant was on AIM pretending to be you.

Meezy 05 is Constant, my bad . . .

LMAO, Constants gettin all teary-eyed now, check this out:

Meezy 05 (3:43:41 AM): wo wo wo whomie no need to fuk me over like that man damn
Meezy 05 (3:43:46 AM): wo wo wo whomie no need to fuk me over like that man damn i was fukni wit ya
LapzstaSC2k (3:43:54 AM): what
Meezy 05 (3:44:10 AM): ya vote
Meezy 05 (3:44:16 AM): that was a bit harsh
Meezy 05 (3:44:47 AM): an to the extreme man i was fukin wit u i jsut got dun sparkin up a blunt an i see u putin a aim convo up ..wuts that about not even thug blood..
Meezy 05 (3:45:18 AM): ??? why u bein like dat man..???
LapzstaSC2k (3:45:57 AM): u brought it on yaself homie
Meezy 05 (3:46:35 AM): Naw man i was fukni wit u..damn u didnt have to doo all that man...c monnow..u ugnna get me banned i wuz fukin wit ya man
LapzstaSC2k (3:47:35 AM): lol
Meezy 05 (3:47:48 AM): can uedit ya reply man,.. an be like i was fukin wit him he isnt meezy 05..dawg my bad man ill never bother u again...i fuked sorry man...
LapzstaSC2k (3:48:37 AM): go away
Meezy 05 (3:49:00 AM): Aite man jsut do that for me..u fuked me over man c mon
Meezy 05 (3:49:05 AM): ill leave u alone for ever if u do that
Meezy 05 (3:49:44 AM): c monman dont get me banned
Meezy 05 (3:49:52 AM): cuz im hi an fukin wit ya
Meezy 05 (3:49:57 AM): damn
Meezy 05 (3:50:16 AM): jsut edit ya shit man or say u was fukinPC>.that all
LapzstaSC2k (3:50:20 AM): i thought u were an emcee, if that was true and you're really record in some big studio, you wouldn't care about gettin banned off RB
Meezy 05 (3:50:54 AM): yea i wud took me dayz to start back on rb
Meezy 05 (3:51:00 AM): i just got on the site
Meezy 05 (3:51:10 AM): idont wanna wiast 40 post an three verses >> u feel
Meezy 05 (3:51:25 AM): an ruin my audio name man....
LapzstaSC2k (3:51:30 AM): LMAO
Meezy 05 (3:51:39 AM): dman like u shud understand mind theory if i got u banned for sumthin liek this ud b pissed
Meezy 05 (3:51:53 AM): i jsut wwrote 3 verses that gunna get me three wins
Meezy 05 (3:52:00 AM): so i can quiclify for L L L
Meezy 05 (3:52:10 AM): qualify
LapzstaSC2k (3:52:12 AM): i would never IM people with this kinda bullshit in the first place
LapzstaSC2k (3:52:38 AM): its over yo
LapzstaSC2k (3:52:46 AM): quit tryin
Meezy 05 (3:53:02 AM): dawg c mon
Meezy 05 (3:53:06 AM): man please
Meezy 05 (3:53:10 AM): dont fuk me up like that
LapzstaSC2k (3:53:13 AM): i would stop typin if i were you cause im bout to post this up
Meezy 05 (3:53:19 AM): jsut cuz that..
LapzstaSC2k (3:53:32 AM): yep :-)
The Soul Purpose LP . . . Summer '04
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