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Old 10-02-03, 07:04 PM   #4
QCF + FP = HadoKen
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Posts: 593
From: Atlanta, GA

Ricochet, from London U.K., Who gay and not seein..
I cant believe u runnin around tellin every1 You're a Peon (Europeon)
Your worthless...I don't know why LLL let U in
Look what set you in..
Diamond Mindz? U should be shot for even reppin them..
Time to Question him, I thought U were a Soldier?
And now U gettin Sonned, Like a chip off my shoulder
I'm hard like Boulders..Rico spits shit like he soft
The simple fact he Even Battle... Just pisses people oFF
Talk about Street Fighter all U want, it dont mean shit 2 me
Cuz I can a fuck less about Ryu, Ken, or the video game industry
its a got damn shame That this flamers Nick Name is Rico (Suaavvvee LoL)
People...Jay Cyph was the orignial, he justa rotten sequel
This battle was not equal..Mismatch from the beginning
Evolve gimme a real challenge, Rico's just addin to my
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