Thread: me so stoned
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Old 10-02-03, 07:10 PM   #126
New to RB
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Posts: 97
Blah hah!


Aightz ill educate ya since Whoosh is to young to know alot (don't hate, dont hate, dont, dont, dont hate!) Spliffs are straight nasty [Spliffs are tobaccy and bud], blunts are nice and smooth if you roll em right, most peeps i know dont fuck i ran up into town one day and my girl was smokin on some leaf shit with a fucked up roll(shit was as loose as she is and stuck out everywhere), i just laughed and sparked my white russian blunt [white russian is a mix of widow and AK47] and I agree FUCK blunt wraps they omg so many good times ruined cause of wraps like last week we bought 3 (one on accident) and went to the party on the way we was rollin em and ALL 3 of them fucked up (not fucked up rolling but they were to old so they ripped to shit when takin out of package). and bongs if your gonna do it do it right, even homemade shit my friend made one out of a captain lugjug and another one of my friends made a 6 footer (hes a welder so it looked great). Or you could go with manufactured ones my boy has 4 great glass ones from 1 foot-3 foot I have Graffix cause when I get fucked up i drop shit hehehe. When buying it even shwag lol look for crystals and hairs.. if your buying shwag look for greenest possible some of my boys get that dirt brown shit (yuck). I get nice stuff from my other boys if its 125 zones i do it right and get greenest possible if its 350 zones(KB) i dont fuck around its gotta be bomb if it aint even if im desperate for it i say fuck u and get drunk or as gakked out as a squirrel.. or both heh
If ya get the chance Drop some Feedback on these drops:<br>
<a href="">I hate bitchs keystyle</a>, <a href="">Aint no drug got a hold of me</a>, <a href="">No Love</a>, <a href="">Rules of the Game</a>, <a href="">Dirty Hippie</a>, <a href="">R.I.P Crossroads</a>, <a href="">Learn about it</a>, <a href="">Valet Parking [keystyle]</a>, <a href="">Tribulations</a>.
<a href="">Handbook to all thats fun">
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