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Old 10-04-03, 12:35 AM   #8
GBPusha22's Avatar
Posts: 154

Aight check it

Cloggin your windpipe wit a machette, like Bazzy disablin threads, closed//
Punches leave your chest like strippers and prostitutes on Candid Camera, exposed//

"Eaten bombs" and disposin the feces and talkin is the only time you "spit explosive shit"//
leavin your wig split, commitin a sin killin you then lettin you bleed to death wit wrists slit//

Your punches are misguided like retarded premature sperm connectin wit egg cells//
Ill put my gat to your ear so you can hear a "ocean sound" like puttin your ear to a seashell//

Your punches and blows are mentally misleadin like retarded tour guides//
Im "blockin" your punches like tryin to get a porno under 18 and no password, access denied//

Blackguys hits are not goin through like invisible fists penetratin mouths and jaws//
Needin a organ transplant from cuts you encountered in the stomach, these organs will be withdrawn//