Thread: status of radio
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Old 10-06-03, 12:30 PM   #28
Middle Weight
Posts: 828
From: Campbellsville

Originally posted by D-Dizzle
^^Look dog.... you gotta use your choise of words alittle better...and I guess didn't nobody eles say nothing becasue they don't feel like going back and forth wit yo ass..cuz learning from past events on this board that dosen't do any good....but if you should know your histroy that talking about about blacks and "monkey" in the same vein is border line bigotry..How did 'black man' get into this convo anyway!?!?...You must not have been payin attention to the whole Rush Limbough/ Donovon McNabb thing, ha?.....I don't know if anybody eles caught that or what..but your shit is not even a accuarate anylysis to begin sounding ignorant as fuck.....

Actually, you sound ignorant as fuck. He didn't even remotely connect black men with monkeys. You just saw them close together and went into some bullshit ass..."Omg, he must be a racist!" mode. Get the fuck over it. Believe it or not, not every white person in the world is a racist. We shouldn't have to rearrange our sentences, or watch which words we use in the same sentence together just so some little fuckface doesn't get offended on a bullshit notion. I'm tired of shit like that, it erks the fuck outta me. Get over it, he didn't mean it in that way. it's plain as day if you read his fuckin statement.....

People always tryin to start shit when there isn't shit to start.
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