Thread: status of radio
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Old 10-06-03, 05:13 PM   #29
Ya Mama's Favorite
D-Dizzle's Avatar
Posts: 742
From: The east-side of Da D (Detroit)

^^^Well you call yourself calling me out about not reading shit.... when you didn't even do it yourself.....I didn't bring that shit up, he did, If you read what I said, I said "border line bigot"..I didn't call him a clear cut rasict..I even gave him the benifit of the dought that he wasn't even thinking like that....but in a real world if he woulda said that same comment around a mixed crowd..he woulda rubbed cats the wrong way.....and I thought him even using that examaple was I was bringing it to his attention...

YOU on the other hand.... just took my shit out of context and read a couple sentences and try your little attempt to "call me out"....being that I didn't bring the whole color thing in it..... but all you saw was me getting at him and felt it was your "duty" I gues call yourself setting me str8..... its comical that your 2 cents isn't worth anything.. but I guess it'll be worth more when your famous, ha?.....

..IT's a reason why you were made have 2 ears and one mouth, nephew...
so you can fuckin' LISTEN twice as much as you TALK......

Bang On The Table Productions
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