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Old 10-06-03, 07:00 PM   #9
Ajax 0042
Posts: n/a

ok newbs shut up, ya sound like a bunch of dumbasses
break down

Flow: basic, it was their structured ok, was to the point could have had more in it some multis and more into the rymin

Topic: PLAYED very played, but it was good for a short try, could have used more raw emotion but, it was ok, very basic and not much thought in it.

Vocab/Wordplay: all was basic, not much of a read compared to some of the others on the site. Extremely basic, i suggest looking at some of bouncedoggydogs or decit or da joka for some hint on what ya could do with a piece.

Critisim, go back to the pencil and paper, weak overall but n OK read for a newbie
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