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Old 10-07-03, 10:53 AM   #1
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Parent Struggle's


I always have these constant struggles
With me and my parents we have our troubles

They dont understand the way I am
They dont understand I'm not changing who I am

They yell at me for stupid shit
All I hear when I come home is them throw a fit

They tell me one thing and yell at me for another
They allways yell at me, why not my brother

I'm getting blamed for my sibblings problems
Why can't you yell at them

I don't think you understand that what you say,
Is not keeping me here it's just pushing me away

I know you love me
But why cant you just let me be

Your getting on my case everyday
Yelling at me for stupid shit in everyway

You can't keep me with you all the time
You'll have to go you know sometime

You need to relax
And maybe you'll relize that and get off my back

I love you guys you know I do
But sometimes you need to think before you do

Just remember I'm a growing man
And right now I'm just living life the best that i can

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