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Old 10-08-03, 10:44 AM   #9
Posts: 120
From: Palm Beach, Fl

Maybe I am wrong but i believe those feelings were pretty
fresh when you wrote this because i think you were too upset
in order to write this well, not meaning its not good but it could
have been better. Usually raw emotion might sometimes be too
much at the time to really focus on how you feel to write it out to
people so that they may really feel much empathy for you. your
structure was lacking on some parts and not on others..
"They tell me one thing and yell at me for another
They always yell at me, why not my brother"

I have three brothers and two sisters so i can really relate. But
just by changing a few words the whole piece could be much
better. Try to proof read before you post, you might bet better
results. Keep Writing.
<BR><h3><color=black><center><MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=scroll DIRECTION=left LOOP=infinite scrollamount=1 width=300>*~*~*Lady Wun*~*~*</MARQUEE></color></center></h3>
<BR><MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=scroll DIRECTION=up LOOP=infinite scrollamount=1 height=100> <center><font color=000000><I>*~*~*~*~*</p>I'm invisible to the unseen eye</p>I'm undeniable strength</p>*~*~*~*~*~*</p>Merk Squad</MARQUEE></center><I>
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