Thread: Role Models...
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Old 10-08-03, 08:49 PM   #10
Registered User
Posts: 202

Got bored and decided to write....
So here's what came out...

Why do we strive to be like those in the limelight?...
Claw and fight to someday reach a stars height...
Athletes... Actors... Why should we want that life?...
Why would I want an existence absent pain and strife?
Seats of power sought... Blocking orignal thought...
How can I be great enslaved in values society bought?...
Youths dream of being doctors, lawyers and the like...
Supposed to look up to a Pres that can barely read or write...
Our role models with fake values... supposedly absent of fault...
Even the choir boy of the NBA is on trial for sexual assaullt...
Everyone has skeletons... So is this all media overexposure?...
I think not... As it seems all ourl idols are exposed as posers...
Come original for once... Maybe if I start a trend is can help..
Hell my hero is the criminal who always stayed true to himself...

that was nice homeboy! i liked it! nice flow and nice usuage of words. nice topic, you described it well. keep elevatin homeboy! holluh at yuh boy! 1!
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