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Old 10-10-03, 12:21 AM   #4
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

First off it says rap didn't exist during the eightys. That shows the author's complete ignorance. Second, he's praising heavy metal. He is clearly a white supremist. But a -real- white supremist would be listining to fucking Back or Scriabin or some classical Aryan shit. Not fucking British shit, which heavy metal is a derivitive from. He also called rap music a Jew-creation. Now, if Hip-Hop which is a multi-million dollar industry was a jew-creation, I want my fucking cut.

And he talks about high divorce rate among -todays- teens, when the high divorce rate is from people of the seventys and eightys. People he seems to be praising, WASP(White Anglo Saxon Protestant) people. And he talks about how hard it is for two people of opposite genders who are white to actually connect. Nevermind that the whites make up over eighty percent of the population. Finding a white guy or girl is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's not evolutions fault they are fat and lazy, it's the government, school system, and piss poor parenting of a generation brought up during the seventys and eightys.

On the other hand, it is pathetic for anyone to spend tons of bucks on rap cds and sound systems out of the box. (Bootleg 'em and build 'em.) And he also talks about how stupid girls are, which no offense, they are.

On the other other hand... why the fuck are you concentrating on the author's view of women being idiots, which in all fairness they are, and not on his obviously racist and anti-semitical remarks? That's sort of the ball grabber there.
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