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Old 10-11-03, 07:43 PM   #1
Posts: n/a

there are basically 3 groups on RB:

1. people who are brand new to Rap
2. people that have been here for roughly 6 months and believe that their 450 wins means they are one of the best on the site
3. the people that have been apart of RB and rap for years and have thus established themselves as respectable heads.

now, group 1 tends to ride group 2 to kingdom come boosting their egos even further so group 2 seems to think that despite their short time doing this, they are the best battlers/song writers ever. now, group 3 tends to be modest (with the exception of a few) and never really tear down anyone in group 2 until the bitch about how they arnt considered the best.

now, i dont claim to be a 'vet' or the best, but i do know what is good and what is bad. not every piece in legends, deserves to be in there but they do excede the usual levels of other RB performances.

but dont place the blame solely on Cam because youre shit isnt in there, because 1., maybe you simply arnt that good and your ego has been overinflated by newbies who ride your record and 2., up until roughly two months ago there were 4 or 5 mods that VOTED on the entrees into legends.
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