Thread: Dark August
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Old 10-11-03, 08:05 PM   #1
Watch And Learn
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From: Earth
Dark August


..a man comes home to find his wife fucking another man.. in pure adrenalin anger he throws the guy off his wife and grabs a knife an stabs him repeatidly.. he shoves the body in the corner and ties his wife up on a chair and with a knife in one hand and a heart on his sleeve.. an angel and devil are conceived on his shoulders.. to tell him what is the 'right' thing to do in this situation...


Heres the story about a mans last attempt at life
thought he had the world but the world took his wife
now he has a decision which will bring out good an evil
a dark August afternoon changen the lifes of three people

[The Devil]

So here I am the negative side youv been yearning
your whole insanity as it stands is silently burning
now what your beauty in the sky is fucking somebody else
well whats left of this human killing him always helps
so grab this bitches scars and make them wounds for feed
make her slice her own skin so you can watch her bleed
have her sorrow and her malice run down your back
watch her frown in enjoyment as you so skillfully attack
extract and dismantle her shallow soul’s worthless purpose
read your deepest thoughts as she begins to be hopelessly nervous
spill your whole being in your vocals tell her what she missed
let your laranyx scream nightmare as you clench your fists
your tounge conducts violens in every sentence you speak
your robert frost’s dead corpse making her wanna be unique
now watch her cry and see if she really made the right choice
and watch her die and strangle her misguided backstabbing voice
your choice has been made you kill her then you knock yourself
and come join the unholy where we bathe in all negative wealth
you cant escape the horror that has ocurced a murder of memories
and your life was so promising or so you wanted it to be
but you’re a disaster now.. a man who morbidally kills the weak
so fuck it man.. Face it you have turned into me..

[The Angel]

Yo Kid I was Observing the tension when you were Serving redemption
He took your wife, you shook your knife and took his life, im yearning to mention
I’m a holy been resembling dreams of assembling teams remembering scenes
Of murder and mayhem cause I heard ya just slay him and in heaven we seen
The rage in your eyes the cage where she lies, the rope burns and grazes
There’s a stage in your life where you lay in the night your body churns and rages
But now isn’t the time to express all your feelings depressed at your dealings
Look at that knife I know her chest is appealing but it’s her breath you’d be stealing
You used to love her, and hug her made for each other and it’s a fact that
Her lover just dug her a grave when he tapped that but blood won’t bring that act back
You used to walk in your own world and not let anyone digress your steps
When you saw her your eyes met and wept; now you want to dissect her neck
You said you loved her I know you meant it, she wasn’t screaming when you told her
This is heavy let Stephen take the boulder pay no mind to that Demon on your shoulder
With the devil he’s conducting a deal son I know your Erupting with fear son
Cause when he whispers those thoughts into your ear he’s corrupting your eardrum
You know you are above this to hurt her he is turning you love into murder
I know you struggle but heard her, she still loves you thug, and she deserves you
She has prayed since the night that it happened to fight back the actions
Ive answered her plight of retraction that I would try to bring sight to her captain
So take what ive given and give her back her taken away statement of living
Break the tradition of vengeance and make a decision to stay with the women

..the two images are burned from his shoulders and the man has now got the choice on what maybe the
darkest seconds in his life.. he then falls to his knees and starts to talk...

[The Man]

to be honest..i came here unexpected and suspected
the unexpected im not going to let it..its going to be hectic
if i could go back and stop it i'll trade it for my life
our love was thrown away when this man penatrated my wife
i just killed this fucker threw a boulder leading to a concussion
i try not to look over my head with each shoulder with an option
one shoulder keeping from sinning the other one encouraging
i duno which fuck to trust which is the one with the truth to bring
don't know what to do..already killed the other dude..confused
feeled used abused but at the same time somewhat amused
stood up proud.but they couldn't help but to crash the tower
planted this relationship from a someone stepped on this flower
the soil is dirty..she knows how to hurt me especially tonight
in my sight one of these fuckers on my shoulder could be right
this way she'll know her curiousty to hurt me will hurt her as we play
i break the mold of this clay and will live with guilt everyday
but she pulled my heart out of a hat with her black magic
her tactics...she tried to talk to me but the tape made it static
every love life ends tragic as i made my decision in this mission
bruised lips still some lipstick left with my pain left be kissing
to be honest all i wanted her to be honest thats it no stress
im ready to finalize my exsitance in disgust by her to harvest
fuck the angel i want her to taste what she just had to waste
the most beautiful part was..last image of life was my blood racing her tears down her face

an so..

3 life's changed, two murders but only one sufferer
he loved her, not her ways he had enough of her
one opinion sent from hells depth one from above
but it seems he craved her blood more than her love

[under his breath] your my world.. i love you girl
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