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Old 10-11-03, 10:50 PM   #41
13th Disciple
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Posts: 2,650

she's agreeing to the fact that it seems like a conspiracy....

Dez....i do hope u ain't trying to imply that i'm mad cuz my shit
ain't in there...and that i think i'm the shit....cuz if u are..u are
sadly mistaken child......

i posted this thread to exemplify the conspiracy of what was goin
on.....i don't care if i wasn't in there or got nominated (even
though i am)...that wasn't the point.....the point wasn't to put
cam out there like a bad guy.....

the point was bring out the truth to this whole find out why these certain heads...and only these
certain heads were in there....was it by their 'skill'?...or was
it by there 'name'?......

so ....before anybody starts puttin certain members into groups..
and tryin to talk like they're educated....try to not see this as
a way to destroy or tarnish someones name....see this as...the
title says...a conspiracy or not.....and shut the fuck up bitches.
Blessed wit Skillz
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