Thread: British rap
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Old 10-12-03, 05:09 PM   #7
\/ pissing me off!!!!
menolin's Avatar
Posts: 2,122
From: UK

i think there is a minority of rappers that are british that will get a little bit of shine, slik rick, mega an mayhem, but i want to see a big british rap star blow up big world wide, but i dont see this happening.

also 90% of the rappers that be holdin down the UK either, 1:dont hav the right voice, that a lotta people will feel, an will sound great on tracks,
2: the uk's producers arent really great, they try to create an american sound, but keep it british at the same time, peeps in the UK want to make american sounding beats, but want to hav their own individual styel,
3:a lotta UK rappers fall over themselves tryin to emulate rappers in the usa, MEGA and MAYHEM, sound american,
4:the UK rappers, dont really hav much to tlk about, because the gangs an gun crimes are kept on the downlow round here, u know it goes on but no 1 publically speaks about it.

an lastly
5:the UK is always puttin US hip hop/rap joints on in the clubs because they hav a more club type feel, an catz is only gonna like the music that is played a lot, you dont buy a CD because it has a nice sleeve, do you
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