Thread: I give up...
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Old 10-12-03, 07:20 PM   #26
13th Disciple
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Posts: 2,650

Originally posted by Emagdnim

How was the new kid dickriding? he was stating his opinion, based on RB as a whole, saying the reason new kid WANT to post here is because of people like sxl, bringing originality / creativity into battles, and honestly - thats why I stay here, for the same reasoons. as im sure cyph / every other resopected head does. dont you see its people like you, making mountains out of molehills because you have sad pathetic lives and nothing better to do than bitch / freepost - your destroying this site with your bullshit by driving the good members away. if you rea;lly cared for RB - leave. thats the only way it will get better is if we get rid of fucking morons like you two.

this is too long for a newbie to post....cuz i got to the second
letter of the first word and stopped....ur nobody...go to ebay
and bid on talent.....then...get noticed...then maybe....we'll listen
to what u have to say
Blessed wit Skillz
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