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Old 10-13-03, 09:29 PM   #1
..Soft Focus..
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Posts: 1,639
From: Ont.
Born With One Eye (True Feeling)...peep


Tryed something on'a true story...not to much emotion but a thought it was pretty wud be helpful..and i was planning on doing a collab on misfortunite problems...anybody up for it..just holla...enjoy

Eyes are an important facter in our everyday life
Helping us through the worry of human sacriface
Guiding us along the path of envy hate and love
2 eyes are healthy but yet wut if you have one?
Does it change things or does it not matter?
For me it was a humilating state a big facter
Played a role i wanted to quit never finish
Annoyed of'a paralized eye in my bodily image
Walking into walls an smashing a valuble
People treating me like i was always incapable
Before i new it i was nic named "left eye blindie"
Only 7 years old and i was haunted by aginy
Demons were closing in on my inner self
destroying my life showing love is wealth
But i was poor never feeling to warm
Tears were rain drops i was caught in'a starm
Asking lord why was i even chose tobe born
People not reliezing the hate of my eyes form
Insane thoughts of my eyez creating motose's
Becoming to but i aint a child form of moses
So i just stood as still as'a photo an glanced
In the mirrow said to myself one chance...
To earn some pride so i took it as i strived
People laughed so hard that they dryed
Was i even alive or did i die on the feild
Trying to play soccer but i wounds didnt heal
Only made them worse so i tryed to leave earth
For my devilish unwanted curse...i just wonna be normal
But how everbody thinks im an animal cuz of my formal
Eye situation an the ways of my unguided pu'pills
Taunted by my infortinate one eye vision still
But as i grow and i determine to find a cure
I stand by myself with a heart thats pure
That one day we will all stand clear..with eyes of wisdom
But until that day i garente u no matter the virous u have freedom
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