Thread: Conspiracy..
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Old 10-14-03, 06:05 PM   #66
Posts: 2,827

Originally posted by The End
^ Don't get your panties in a twist. Jump off Bruklors net dick and realize that he hasn't done a thing productive for this site since March. I liked the kid, before he let shit get to his head. He truly believes that he is some sort of God. He begged me to demod him and at the end thought he was 'too important' to ban. Well, obviously I have shown that he wasn't. If I lose you out of this too, I will just replace you. I have never had an issue with you and felt you did a great job, probably the best job in the LLL since it was put back up, but if you are going to get bent out of shape over me banning an asshole kid and then editing one post of yours then I don't know what to tell you. Instead of posting and talking to people going "fuck The End", just talk to me and I'm sure you would understand my perspective.

Edit: F.A.G.S., I'm done with all of you. I just deleted your freeposts that you just posted. You keep this shit up, and you are all banned just like Brooklyn.

"Jump off his 'net dick?" You're amusing, doode. He was the only surviving member of our crew left on RB. No Phrantik, no Cam, no Quo, no anybody. Why wouldn't I voice my opinion on the issue? As far as "getting my panties in a twist," if disputing something the almighty-adminstrator decides to do is womanly - than I'm a big woman.

I've never, ever voiced any anti-RB sentiment in the forums. I'd never do this in any part of RB's forums if it wasn't for a righteous cause.

Agreed, Brooke fucks around a bit more than he should - but everybody does. I guess I can even agree that him typing "RV" might warrant banning (though, it's doubtful) in a very specific occasion.

& he's got a completely different story than you. .

J self B: I never thought I was a god, I hate myself, I am the complete opposite of a Narcassist.
End admit it, you made a mistake, You did this over personal beef, and that is not right.
RalphsBagels: I'll put it in .
J self B: :-)
J self B: your god
RalphsBagels: Did you, "Ask to be banned. ." in any way?
J self B: No, End threatened me with it, and I said "whatever" or something
RalphsBagels: Are you positive?
J self B: oh please, respond, saying this is what bruklor says:

I asked to be demmoded. I did not abuse my powers that much. I banned 1 person out of personal beef, Mr. Legend. Now him an I are cool. I asked for a break from modding. It took me forever to get it, but I was happy I got demodded.
I did not start going around being a dick. I even said nicely to a couple of kids, "You might want to change your post, that might start beef with Mods and you don't want that..."
I made a couple posts end didn't like. One poking fun at End. Something I do regularly, Which he deleted, I reposted. So what? Do you know how many kids have done that to me?... The other said how the thread about RB Legends should be opened up.
J self B: Yeah, pretty sure
J self B: if I asked to be banned, its no reason to actually ban me. And if it is, shouldn't I be unbanned since I asked to be unbanned?
RalphsBagels: Will do. BE ARBY
J self B: thanks man.
RalphsBagels: But - Before I post it, I need'yuh to promise me that you won't phuck around so much anymore . . Take things a little bit more seriously .
J self B: Ok
J self B: Promise
J self B: *Pinking swear's with the mouse*
RalphsBagels: :-) : ) :-)
J self B: one missed
RalphsBagels: what they happened to'm?
RalphsBagels: just 'cause he has a big space between eyes and mouth doesn't mean he can't be happy
RalphsBagels: :-(
J self B: hahaha
J self B: he looks happy. Big Happy
J self B: lol
J self B: extended happy
Authentik Intelligence
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