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Old 10-15-03, 12:41 AM   #24
Tampons are expensive
shiznit's Avatar
Posts: 676
From: Somewhere uve never been born....

Would it make any difference if they come back or not? No.
Would you guys stop whining and bitching about all these if they would be back? No.
Would you stop pressuring the admins if they did what you wanted them to do? No.
Would any of you grow up? No.

So what's the point?

The End did what THEY told him to do. It's not HIS decision to ban them but its THEIRS. As for Bruklor, he basically dared End to ban him.. What would you do if you were Admin?

Sometimes you dont want things to be what you wanted them to be. Do any of you think that maybe because of all these childishness they left? This is getting ridiculous. I could care less but i just wanna inform you that this isnt worth anything...wasting precious time and some of mine as not a very healthy thing.

Below my post would be a lot of whining again or even gonna tell me to shut up but i guess you can call it 'entertainment' but for me it's just another worthless post that would either say "Bring them back"..."The End is right"....."You suck!"..."Fags are dead...or not" "I dont care"....i can go on and on forever...but all im saying is..just leave it be...and for some people that would ask "Leave what be?...blah blah..".

Just leave the issue alone and go on with our lives. Its just that easy.

Originally posted by 13th Disciple

Brandon, dope ass job runnin this bitch. Like whoa. U stepped up
when Kalvin bought the site and ran this bitch again. Way to go
gettin rid of punk ass people who abuse their power. Frankly, I
don't give a damn if Cam is gone, Tik, Bruk, Quo or whoever else.
They wasn't doing shit for the site since back in the day. Newbs
look up to them cuz if they mention they're name...they might
get noticed. Blah blah blah...i don't give a damn...i love RB...the
people here is aiight.....even some newbs...

and Fags is Dead

^ Says it all.
<br><br><center>- Shiznit -
- Tampons are still expensive -
- That's a Fact - </center>
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