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Old 10-15-03, 05:06 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

Fuck complex rhyming, don't bother, cuz ya multis are newbish, look howhyphened ya bars are
Young must be feeling like Luke Skywalker the way he's fighting his father!
Shit I don't post out of mercy, I'd wreck Young in tournies and text
Cuz he makes an ass out of himself, easier then Eddie Murphy in Shrek!
Don't get surprised that all of Young's text is lies
This bitch couldn't hold his weight up, in an easy "chin-up exercise"!
Your verse is a joke like the circus, watch me kill this clown
Everyone who sees you come back again wonders why you're still around
Young's a fake vet and not even a has been..
RB's like sex scenarios for Young..he loves to add men!
I'll maim this clown till only brains are found
How can Ill's crew be dark as hell with all you flames around?
Why fight luck? I'm bigger you're weak
This kid got beat so often he made "dropping Young" a new figure of speech!
Wired to wreck, the way I'm tending to snatch
Yeah my punches are lighter....ther put an end to the match!