Thread: British rap
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Old 10-17-03, 03:12 AM   #39
Light Weight
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Posts: 346
From: ::BROOK-NAM *to* FRISCO aNd BaCk aGaIn::

Originally posted by Bigg E Z
B4 some1 blows up...damn....UK cats are better skilled the US kids...!!!

AND THATS WORD.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^^ HAHAHAHA YOUR FUCKIN STRAIIGHT UP WILD'N!!! Yall to be honest are no wheres near us here in the U.S and thats not just b/c I live here in America. Like I said be4 you guys rap about wack ass shit...and like many others said your accents fuk up your whole flow and make's it sound retarded. I think its koo that cats in the U.K and Europe are pickin up Hip-Hop and are doing your thing with it but you cant beat the original(the U.S). I doubt that any english/u.k emcee will ever blow up huge and take over the american and world music scene by storm....think real it wont happen. Thiers so many new underground emcees and up and commers entering the game that are going to run yalls music industries and radio/tv stations by storm that local u.k emcee's wont get any play at all. Face it, its never gonna happen...just bein honest, 1
Jimmy L. , Louis L. , Aj R. , Tyler R. , Chris R., Dan W. , Matt F.......
" You all will never be forgotten and your spirits live within us all!!! R.I.P*"

" So for the 2nd time [The Pharisses] summoned the man who had been blind and said
"Speak the truth before God. We know this man is a sinner."
"Wether he is a sinner I do not know."
:The man replied:
"All I know is this...Once I was blind and now I can see"
John 1x 24-26
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