Thread: British rap
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Old 10-17-03, 03:19 AM   #40
Light Weight
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Posts: 346
From: ::BROOK-NAM *to* FRISCO aNd BaCk aGaIn::

O and another thing. We influence every aspect of your hip-hop culture over their in the u.k. Yall call us "yankees" and w/e else but what do yall do??? Yall go out and buy clothing that is similar to what we were, buy our music, yall probally have been rockin throwbacks and fitteds lately huh, and the up-towns(better known to yall europeans as AIR FOCE 1'S HAHAHA)???how can yall claim to be original and all that shit but when yall see clothing adds and t.v comericals and music videos yall act just like us b/c i bet everyone of yall wish you were americans living over here. Face it, we influence everything to yall so dont go sayin shit b/c its true!!! Just bein honest, 1
Jimmy L. , Louis L. , Aj R. , Tyler R. , Chris R., Dan W. , Matt F.......
" You all will never be forgotten and your spirits live within us all!!! R.I.P*"

" So for the 2nd time [The Pharisses] summoned the man who had been blind and said
"Speak the truth before God. We know this man is a sinner."
"Wether he is a sinner I do not know."
:The man replied:
"All I know is this...Once I was blind and now I can see"
John 1x 24-26
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