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Old 10-17-03, 06:00 PM   #25
Born To Kill
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Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas

Originally posted by Chrit

How killing off everyone over 60 would benefit us all....

I believe doing so would lower taxes int he sense medacaid and medacare would become relatively obsolete. Although I would hate to see BTK killed off, I also believe it would lessen vehicle fatalities as road rage is mainly fueled by old people who cant drive....
This plan would definately hurt revenues at golf courses and casinos. Also telemarketing would become obsolete as old people are the only people dumb enough to buy the shit.

And that is my contention on that matter...


That's what I mean about you being hilarious with the cruelty...

Even I had ta laugh at that.

Stay a character, Chrit...


The topic...

I believe that after 60...there should be tests that are mandatory.

Vision. Reflex. Mental Snap.

Ya fail them...



Whack em!
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