Thread: British rap
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Old 10-17-03, 11:09 PM   #56
New to RB
Posts: 46
From: Chi

im just gonna be honest. all u u brits need to realize that nobody really gives a fuck about british hip hop except you guys. americans can't relate to the shit u all rap about, so it will never "blow" up, at least in the US. ive heard some british rap and i though it was garbage. im not saying that to insult anyone, its just my opinion. also, if you want birtish hip hop to blow up, you gotta make your own style, be original and shit. you cant try to use language used in american hip hop and expect to sound original with your accent(i know, its americans who have an accent, but you know what i mean).

tho thats some bullshit, its the truth... im mexican, and like spanish rap or african rap will not blow up cuz the accent

im mexican too, and i used to think that, but then i realized that if you have an accent u just have to find your own style to sound right. every accent needs a different style to sound right. you cant expect to sound straight if youre using a style meant for people without accent, you gotta find your own. that goes for africans, brits, aussies....etc
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