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Old 10-19-03, 04:09 PM   #11
Emcee Rashaddy
Posts: n/a

Theres a difference between Cameron saying Cracker and Emenim saying the "N" word. Cameron's statement from my inference is that he names a bunch of races. He probably said
"Where my Niggas at, Where my Chinks at, Where my Spicks at, Where my Crackers at"

IF thats the case theres no offense to that.

Now Emenim, has respect for blacks and if he says that word there is in no way that he's not trying to be offensive.

I was walking from school the other day and I saw these 2 black guys walking with this white guy and The white guys talking and he says "Yeah so lets go kill that nigga"

Now I'm thinkin' these black guys should kill this kid right there. But na there all friends. I mean its like when you down with hip hop and its known then you can say that. If a nerd comes to me and says that shit I'm offended, regardless of color. Cause then its an offensive term. In my school the white guys with north face jackets or this one white kid who benches twice as much as me says that word all the time. So don't get it wrong your just following stereo types that were taught to you by the media such as T.V. and GAMES!!!! With these stereo types lots of whites don't say that word and look at blacks differently. I myself can't attack someone for calling me that word. I could complain but if Its my close friend I just wouldn't respond.
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