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Old 10-21-03, 03:03 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

your meeting fate quick...SYn kills kids for just WISHin....
Fuck IF losing was a FADE your STYLE wouldn't be in the SEASON winnin~/~

your gettin beat FAIR and SQUARE like hillbillys ya getin STEPPED on....
this kids breaths long but ya rhymes are LIKE CERTA they only good to be SLEPT on~/~
ya thoughts wrong just cause you beat insert ya think you ILL....
this kids PLAYS wit PICKLES then has the nerve to ASk whats the DILL(deal)~/~
YOU suck if ya record could talk it would DROP ya HINTS....
this kids got dicks lined up like AA meeting with COndem Mints~/~
i wreck a kid just to check ya spits.... is a waste of time my puches are just a WASTE of HITs......
finally wastin KIDS pass the tech to SYN but theres no effort put PUT forth IN THIS~/~


i'm disconnecting arms so this kids writtens get crushed HE GOTTA BE TALENTLESS.....
with unloaded clips he posin threats like nerds BUT i win cause theres no OPOSING DISS~/~

there ya go