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Old 10-22-03, 12:28 PM   #35
Posts: n/a

I come home, lol my bad, I'm grown...
But yeah, I'm glad you paused on the dope man. That shit is no good. I've seen people fuck up their whole lives fuckin around with that shit. They wasn't lyin, drugs are bad son. I remember the cats who was "cool", who used to do all kinds of shit. I saw one of them at the gas station the other day, he asked me if he could wash my windows for some change, he stanked, and he didn't even recognize me. I saw another one of my hs buddies (who thought it was funny to do coke in the library) at the dmv,(department of Motor vehicles). It was crowded, and he came in saying "hey everybody, I'm homeless", and started playing WALLBALL by the picture booth. He was also banned for riding a bicycle through the mall. Sad cause he had one of the finest bitches in school. football track, and basketball player, now he's a nomad...

Hmm, now I got all the bitches, lol
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