Thread: LM vs Johnny C
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Old 10-22-03, 04:32 PM   #10
Johnny C.
Johnny C.'s Avatar
Posts: 135
From: inside lil A's mind...


mah opposition is wishin he could get this repitition
an in addition, his proposition has him outta commition
i'm OUTTA this bitch, an i'm gonna do a transmition
untill yer fuckin intuition has givin me recognition
and, about me winnin battles, that aint a shit load of fiction
i dont care what u say, but listin 2 mah prediction:
you're definite-ly less than a mini-rival-ry
and u're beginnin 2 see- that i'm a winnin MC!
and though i've been in the sea, i'm still a sinnin MC-
winnin in tha beginnin of--------- this r.b!
sellin elephant tusks?!! i ain't as WHACK as ya'
i'll smack yer whack rap back 2 africa!
but I'M just ac-tin, duh! But YER not ac-tin dumb-
u're always fuckin stupid, and u take it up tha bum!