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Old 10-22-03, 10:18 PM   #17
Light Weight
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Posts: 346
From: ::BROOK-NAM *to* FRISCO aNd BaCk aGaIn::

Originally posted by S.DoT.KiddZ
Damn...fuck that.. keep it gully, 50 cent sodas forreal. Yeah they Nutbusters but for 50 Cents its a bargain. Stay in Downtown where they got the tourist shit. South Sea Port is one of the hottest places to get mixtapes and have fun. Just bug out, but once you leave downtown and midtown and enter the ghetto, then the rest of New York, don't really bug out, or give any looks, not like people will shoot you, but they'll fuck you up. Try and stay within guidelines and you'll be aight. Its a fun place, and look for some weed. Not the best but, it'll get you by.

^^^^WERD THE FUK UP. If i was you ide stay wit them 50cent sodas to son, or them 50cent huggy juice jugs(they pretty much kool-aid) shits is always proper. And Like o'boy bove me said the South Sea port always be have'n mad hip-hop mix tapes and shit, you'll like it down their. O and if you want weed, a word of advice. If they ask for the $$$$ be4 they give you the shit......DONT DO IT!!!! As dumb as it sounds people/tourists be dumb sometimes so....1
Jimmy L. , Louis L. , Aj R. , Tyler R. , Chris R., Dan W. , Matt F.......
" You all will never be forgotten and your spirits live within us all!!! R.I.P*"

" So for the 2nd time [The Pharisses] summoned the man who had been blind and said
"Speak the truth before God. We know this man is a sinner."
"Wether he is a sinner I do not know."
:The man replied:
"All I know is this...Once I was blind and now I can see"
John 1x 24-26
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