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Old 10-23-03, 05:52 PM   #46
New to RB
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Posts: 97


Sounds like a fun homecomin I did the same thing for mine pretty much shit is dope like that we left early tho and heard the next day they gave peeps breathalizers near the end because shit wasw gettin out of hand. anyways that stuff was probably laced with HEROIN not pcp, me and a friend did that shit hard core one night and we were in the bed for five hours beggin eachother not to close our eyes because we would probably die we was shakin hard core and felt like shit [worst night of my life]. Anyways the old shit I use to be gettin has been laced fuckin went up to my room one night after doin a couple bong rips of my boys 6 footer and my sheets have leopard prints, I saw shit fall from the ceiling and the prints tripped me the fuck out I just went to the livin room and passed out cause damn... anyways he upped the price to 500 a qper (ya he been lacin) so aint gettin that shit no more gonna stick wit my other boy who told me if I stuck wit him the prices will get cheaper (ive never heard that before and I was like fuck right), anyways they at 400 a qper now and its flame shit wit virtually no seeds so I always keep a qper of that and an O of KB now..
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<a href="">I hate bitchs keystyle</a>, <a href="">Aint no drug got a hold of me</a>, <a href="">No Love</a>, <a href="">Rules of the Game</a>, <a href="">Dirty Hippie</a>, <a href="">R.I.P Crossroads</a>, <a href="">Learn about it</a>, <a href="">Valet Parking [keystyle]</a>, <a href="">Tribulations</a>.
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