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Old 10-24-03, 02:00 PM   #3
Chrit's Avatar
Posts: 4,862
From: Elevated beyond Description

The Atheist
The only man upstairs is the crackhead on the third floor...
This life is bad enough... Why would I even hope for more...
Whats in store for me? Answer.. death and thats it....
Why spend life in fear of something that dont exist...
Religion? Bullshit... how dare they lie to me...
Existence is explained not by a book but evolution theories...
So I live life to the fullest... forget sins and commendments...
Lust and greed bad? Well then fuck a savior god damnit...
Nobody planned it... Life is just a series of events to enjoy...
So forget your holy book... Implausable... A virgin had a boy?....
Death comes near me... Life lived in fear of finality...
Its almost as if my lack of faith betrayed the life in me..

The Religious Person
Sundays here... Time for worship and reflection...
Heathons all around... Wishing they could be free of sins...
Life begins... And ends... With one theme... God...
May not be the perfect sheep yet... but lord we work hard...
I pray for atheists... And hope they will realize before its too late...
That their fate... Is to spend eternity at the gate...
Commandments are laws of life... Followed at all cost...
For I've missed nothing and without God I'm lost...
Sex, , cursing and other sins bring nothing but sorrow...
Why live for today
when the better part of existence extends past tomorrow...
Dying days around the corner... faith helps but worries me...
I missed so many things in life... Have my beliefs betrayed me?...

The Enlightened
Is there a God? Maybe... But something beyond us must exist...
Thoughts persist.. But live my life so nothings missed...
Dogma had it right... we should all question what we're told...
Maybe then we wont live in fear when we get old...
The Bible's sold? How is that for hypocracy....
Church is a chore? There is no celebration of faith to me...
Sin but repent... Not living in fear... See life as a blessing...
Why live in fear of God? Or the opposite... both left stressing...
I'd rather take it as it comes.. No dreading my judgement day...
Knowing that a real Father would not turn thinkers away....
Sheep are herded and killed... Why would I buy into that...
No excess of faith here... Nor is it something that I lack...
So even in death I will live on... Through original thought I'll be saved...
If I dont expect anything in particular... How can I be betrayed?

Note: This was a little different type style for me...
Lets see how it turned out...
Good Luck Aus