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Old 10-27-03, 03:33 AM   #10
[/merk material]
Posts: 1,124

Flow - Jet... nice rhythm
Punches - Thorn... more of em an well thought out
Personals - Neither... each verse was a bit general
Multis - Neither... it dont matter tho
Meta4s - Multis... that Jew line was sik!
Originality - Both... came fresh
Creativity - Thorn... nice imagery
Wordplay - Thorn... beautiful!
Rhyme scheme - Jet... easy to follow

Vote = Thorn

Crackin battle... fairly close all round... but Thorn had some truely original witty punches... great concepts wit the Jew line an the Mastercard line.

Peep this Thorn (Carson already voted):

- Deja Vu -
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