Thread: My Poem....
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Old 10-28-03, 06:52 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

That was interesting opium, man (er, opey).

How justice CAN deliver injustice as well as justice. The flaws of the criminal justice system. I mean this in both ways. Sending someone down though they are innocent. But cos they had a below par lawyer or evidence manipulated or anything along those lines. He/she goes down.

And the guilty get away. Because they have an excellent lawyer. Or the police man did made a small (largely meaningless) mistake. But nonetheless it matters enough to effect the case. And so he gets off on a technicality.

It works in many ways. But yeah the criminal justice systemis flawed. Did you know that a white person has never been put on death row for the killing a non-white person. In the history of USA.

Anyway, a solid enough piece. I liked how you compressed it into a short piece. It was a fairly nicely rounded off burst. Decent piece indeed.

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