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Old 10-29-03, 10:26 AM   #437
Born To Kill
Born To Kill's Avatar
Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas

Ya dissin the Fresh Emcee?
At least he's got a win I can see...
Where's yours? Don't got one?
Lemme give ya one of mine for free.
Nope, not happenin. I'm greedy and want em all...
Just like you...when ya think...of men's hairy balls!
At least ya named right, though the spelling's off...
Ya smart as a horse, even drink from a trough.
I could do this all day, throw simple disses your way...
This ain't a battle, just cat and mouse play.
Don't ask who the cat is, it's painfully clear...
I'm the one with the full stomach, grinnin ear ta ear. (Burp!)
Merkings will occur Monday thru Friday, 8 am thru 5 pm, C.S.T.
For my convenience, not yours!