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Old 10-31-03, 09:12 AM   #18
Posts: n/a

honestly i dont think em's racist (im black) but even so, i heard him use the N word once before, on his Marshall Mathers LP, from what i got from it, Em is always the type to seem to push buttons

he was sayin like if i said the n word they'd make a deal about it then he mumbled out nigga like once right after that line on a track,

honestly, when he said it right there, i didnt find it being racist, didnt mean nothin to me at that moment, guess cuz of the way he used it and the content of the topic, cuz on dat track he was talkin about there's a lot of stuff he cant say publicly or ppl might take it the other way around and shit

as far as the Benzino shit goes, i jes thinks its Zino's way to get back at Em cuz he got merked up the ass, Zino's even more of a faggot than Ja, both legendary pussy bitches

and Em's racist????? Why when he signed 50, he BOUGHT HIM A $500,000 watch???????????????
why he makes tracks w/ obie and D-12
y he always talk about Obie in alot of his rhymes and D-12 as well
y he make tracks w/ G-Unit and y is he signed w/ Dr.Dre???

that doesnt make sense to me
and y was Proof basically like his best friend, cuz Proof was da one who was like pushin eminem to do this rap shit, helpin him out and all........makes no sense
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