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Old 11-01-03, 11:31 AM   #4
Light Weight
AssassinMC's Avatar
Posts: 259

yo these lyrics r generic, leavin u behind figurately
hit u wit these punches, made ur bones crunches, it'll blow ur 'mind' literally
ur a traitor to the rap game, like benedict 'arnold' and the u.s
u wanted the test u got beaten like the rest, u rely on ur P.M.S
u say ur a rapper, u belong on the crapper, i'll give u a poopstain
cuz i shitted on ur talent, ur life is in the balance, rap 4 u has no use
cuz between me and u, ur perfect record is through, u only relate to eminem via mother abuse
i'll leave ya in bliss, cuz i wont miss, put a bullet straight through tobias's clit
the toilets where u belong, i owned u this song, and i flushed it cuz ur talent is shit
u prolly dont have a job and u sleep at da dock
put u outa ur misery so u can hang wit tupac
Onyx_Storms(ko) 86barsfromva(ko) XtremeFlow(5-1) crazypatient(ko) crazypatient gorillaquantity(ko)