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Old 11-02-03, 12:01 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
cage hits celph with a bottle


someone posted this at RNR so i jacked it and im posting it here! this is a bootleg bitch!

On October 29th at a cage show.. a year after celph punched cage.. cage apparently got his "revenge" for celph bootlegging the copies of the cageĀ© disses plus the punch to the face... i pulled most of these quotes out of the forum at,, (in the forums), and forums..

"I was at donhills last night for cage's show (which he rocked by the way). But before he went on stage, everyone was saying that celph and his crew was there, so I made sure to peep it when cage came in. I saw celph talking to el-p actually and then all of a sudden Cage came runnoing up and SMASHED CELPH OVER THE HEAD WITH A BOTTLE. After that this other kid caught Celph in the jaw. There was a little maylay, and then a bloodied Celph and his crew got kicked out. It was the illest shit I ever seen. That n*gga Cage definitely got his revenge kiddies."

"This did happen. I talked to Celph earlier.

Basically, Celph was talkin' to El-P and had his back towards the people in club when he got hit over the head with a beer bottle. Cage then ran away instead of confronting Celph. This is some yellow-bellied type shit, for real. Celph didn't even know who it was or what happened until someone told him after the fact.

This was a straight cunt move by Cage. It's bad enough that he sneaked up from behind, but to top it off he used a weapon. When Celph beat that kat down, he didn't have no weapon. Clearly Cage has taken it to the next level.

Let's see if Cage has the balls to come to a Demigodz show and walk around solo like Celph did lastnight. I doubt it, but I AM confident that he'll get caught sleeping."

"I was actually at don hills last night as well, cage came in at around 12.. I saw him when I stepped out to have a cigarette..he was talking to the bouncer. It was my first time seeing him and might I add he's alot smaller than he looks in pictures. About five minutes later I was sitting at the long bar(the one on the right if you've ever been to don hills) and cage walked by, but before he could get to the other side of the wall divider he was confronted by someone who actually pushed him I'd say almost 7 feet into another guy that was standing by the bar. Cage then picked up what looked like a corona bottle and smashed it right into this guys face. I'm not sure if this was celph titled or not because it was dark and I only vaguely know what he looks like but whoever it was, they were kicked out immediately. Cage's performance that night wasn't that great, the audio equipment was horrible I'm not even really a cage fan anyway plus the opening acts were just awful but seeing a fight like that made going to the show worth while."
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