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Old 11-02-03, 04:45 PM   #43
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Feeble Minded

^notice you said "niggaz" . and are mad at eminem for makin racial remarks that he probably didnt make. maybe you, yourself, are rascist towards whites? if blacks can say niggas.. then whites can. anyone who says otherwise.. is racist. try to argue your point, and i will show you that i am right. *goodbye* never post again .

^Lmfao stop makin it somethin that its not, if i were disabled... i would make disabled jokes.. i cud make them bcos I WUD BE DISABLED!!... jus like in the UK alot of white people come from irish backgrounds.. they always takin the piss outa themselves.. its somethin u do.. if u find a "nigga" who hasnt sed somethin about other black people then id b amazed... and no im not racist .... lets not make this a big thread on who can and cant say nigga... theyre so played
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