Thread: Lucid blackness
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Old 11-03-03, 07:15 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Lucid blackness


Unaware unknown to many people
My eyes dart faster than catholics to a steeple
Sword unleashed defeat foes over autumn leaves
Let the blood drip mark my areas with the dead
Ahead of your every move I leave every wall red
Called upon by no-one my work is done alone
Home is where I position myself wherever I roam
This life I am one but I am not lonely
Phoney juniors try to emulate but they remain below me
Trained away from your world mentality always focused
The low ruts of society eaten out by a plague of locusts
No hocus pocus this shit will burn ya eyes out
Nobody left standing when my katana flies out
Not tied down that’s the discipline
Never see me natural as autumn leaves rustlin’
Too many names added to the mortuary I represent death
Chest pressed you don’t even get to take a last breath
Known to many cultures but specific to none
I’m content nobody knows where I’m coming from…

The ninja
Look closely to what I bring ya
You linger but your future is set in stone
Watch humanity fall as I ascend the throne
Full of clones
I walk this earth I control this alone

Slipped through shadowless my goal is never out of sight
Outright murder you fall simply outta fright
The night proves my cover blow through like the wind
The vary basis of your moral standing becomes underpinned
The corrupt feel the full blast of the dark form
Poison from a sharp thorn I turn murder into an art form
The stark form I show cause panic among masses
Task-less emotionally blind to death I amass this
My hands stained from the countless deaths to my name
Blame the workings of society to me this killing has no shame
Rich poor to me you all the same
Living in this world accumulate to nothing
Spreading your disease you show no sign of stopping
The temperature is dropping you feel the cold rushing through ya veins
Inane rulings from your leaders you living in a world full of pain
Strong enough to break free? I see your attempts fail miserably
I cut you short save you from living life in misery
The living and the dead accumulate to conquer their fears
Appear by your side I attack those who you feel are near
Wheels of life turning this world in a constant state of change

Aight hit me up. Its still in progress this but tell me what yas all think uptil now. peace
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