Thread: Hate
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Old 11-03-03, 07:55 PM   #1
Trip Marxx
Light Weight
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Posts: 208
From: MiDwEsT


Replied to:

MCM - just a whack verse i wrote
kmfrob - Lucid Blackness
RnC - For the cause

Aight....its been awhile since I've written a piece...been takin a break....but check this out an lemme know how ya'll feel about it....

I see it in the eyes of the devil...which explains the difference between heaven and hell
The tension clinched fist aggression...with the sensation of anger beginning to swell
They dwell upon my presence...ignore me when I speak...push me out of their way to get by
Why try to defy my being...fingers pointed in my direction with the feel of a heartless cry
Am I living a lie?...Constantly criticized about my words an all the drama that I'm bringing to life
I only wanted to fly right...but they wanted me to barrel down into the ground without puttin up a fight
Destroying a light that once made my future look bright...I ask myself what has come over the world
A battle between the highest of lords...still I do not understand why I was chosen to be the one to award
Like a sword in the stone...I'm not here standing alone...the evil itself is witnessed daily
I look at the reflection of a normal person lookin back at me askin...why do they hate me?
Equally...I am no better than the man next to me...every person has something that makes them unique
It could be the way that you speak...or maybe your double jointed at the elbows and feet
You must remember this speech...important to must never judge any book by its cover
Because looks are only skin deep...and a undiscovered world is found under
Hate is not an illness...but yet an excuse for fulfillness of anothers problem they battle endless
Together we can win this...say thanks for what you are given and continue to be ambitious
We can't grant wishes...natural talent you were handed but expand it...lifes not easy...make it a challenge
You'll get past it...the word that says more than a thousand...but causes a severe amount of damage
Salvage yourself for a moment...rise your head up and believe in yourself and dreams you will achieve
Look back at the fingers pointed at you...quick to remember...that HATE is only SKIN DEEP!

"Knowledge is intelligence. Intelligence is power. Mind is music, but music is forever." - Trip Marxx

<font color="red"><font face="comic sans"><center>An you thought I was wack?</center></font>

<h2><font color="blue"><center>-- Merkin You One Line At A Time --</font></center></h>

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