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Old 11-03-03, 10:08 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

This was very dark. The way you depicted the psyche in such a detailed and twisted way. Twisted in the sense it was past normal way of thinking on the subject. Or at least past what the peole in general would want to think on the subject. The psyche of the person.

Chillingly surreal. Right from the start you seem to talk in a conflicting way. Do not look into my eyes, or you shall realise what you are doing. And i don't want to go there. Along those lines.

I wont really go any further. In terms of psychology and what not. No need in my opinion. But to put it simply. To me it's about a girl who gets sexually abused by her father on a regular basis. Or 'father figure'. So much so her mind-set has been moulded into something quite twisted yet eerily rational. Rational in the sense she has ignored one rationality, and has latched onto the other. I dunno if you get what i'm saying. But if it is about the daugther-father thing, then i'll just say i understand the piece.

If it isn't, then so be it...(i mean maybe it's about a kind of partner who acts like the daddy like


EDIT: I read it again for some reason. And i came back to the 'equal and free' line. Which makes me thnk that it is probably about relationships with partners (boyfriends etc) rather than what i first thought. Though take that line out...
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