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Old 11-05-03, 07:01 PM   #3
Straight Savage.
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Posts: 3,579
From: Bronx

I'll Post mines Now..

Perfect Chemistry
My love, and my visions seeing as I'm a Writer
My pen and my pad,make my strain much lighter
I see it as, another way visualizing what I knew
It's crazy, visualizing theses written in my book
How maybe I can understand how I can change
the planet it seems, more populated by deranged
Criminals taking falls, writing in my book of songs
Words that come from the heart,other people long

We were made for each other, I don't feel it can be ended
I try to excercise my mind, but it cost others to be seperated
from what society accepts, until the day of their untimed death
I see it as a perfect understanding, Of people seem to forget

Relate to it, take it, I'm still looking forward to a challenge
But like other's before me, brilliance is just reprimanded
Jealousy, fueling our rage, disposal at our cost of our fuel
Who knew I can interact like this with a pen, Who Knew?
When I write down my thoughts, Passing through my mind
And then it seems like the chemistry's working,at this time

Acids running through my body, the mixtures making me up
The cells in my vessels,more produced since its never enough
Different types of elements,cells, atoms, ions, and molecules
I thought I had the confidence, but then I'm Just ridiculed

See, everything happens for a reason, even as I type Now
Ripping through gas cells in the air, just realizing how
One small thing effects another the chemistry is boiling
Maybe One person's pain,comes at the other's enjoyment
And maybe when I drop Open Mics, or whenever I recite
Any work of mine, and never get respected that night
Is just a perfect understanding of how our planet works
One other persons happiness, is just a result of my hurts

On a smaller scale, my mind still working to my perfection
Maybe it's just the way I am thinking,just for My protection
But whenever Imagination in me, is coming straight to life
Ideas begin to work and result to something else,seems like
everything has a purpose, when something else is working
I found out that this results from Perfect Chemistry in a Person
Only God can judge me, Who THE FUCK IS YOU?!
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