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Old 11-06-03, 01:15 AM   #2
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Posts: 1,751
From: B.C. Canada


Divide The Style, And Flip The Side.
Walk Down The Aisle, Backtrack Lies.
The Uniting Of Two, Thus Become One.
Take One Last View, Life Has Begun.
Pull The Cord, As The Light Turns On.
Bachelor Restored, Life Burns Spawned.
Love And Hate, Kind Of Relationship.
Alter Awaits, As The Roles Are Flipped.
Longest Stretch, He Could Ever Walk.
He Skips A Step, His Minds On Lock.
Throbbing Heart, Bent Thoughts Race.
The Feelings Start, As Fears Replace.
The Walk Begins, Overcome By Jitters.
The Talk Of Sins, Whole Room Glitters.
You Can't Explain, Feelings Acquired.
A Single Gain, As The Love Transpires.
He Stops In Place, His Duty Lay Inside.
Turns To Face, Her Beauty ..OverRides.
Joining Of Two, For One Common Goal.
Bachelor To Husband, Division Of Soul.