Thread: The Way I am
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Old 11-08-03, 04:13 AM   #4
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

*sighs and pats everyone in this thread on the head*

Ah, a new generation of poets. May you, my great grandchildren grow in love and trust of one another like the generation before you.

Anyway... enough of the old timer sprechin'. Your poem. Ok, I tell you this. I liked it. I really really liked it. I mean, it was raw, free versed, and unfettered. It's the kind of peice that takes a while before it'll ever be cooked well done. Of course some people like their poetry medium rare, and this one certainly hits the spots.

I suppose I should elaborate. This peice reminds me... of well... a peice I once did a long long time ago. I mean, I can't say in terms of subject matter that the peice I did was anything like yours. But in essence it was. I wrote a poem about my life too and it was raw and unfettered. I guess I'm sensing a lot of potential in you. As if I'd be taking you under my broken wing or something.

Anyway... a direct comment towards the subject matter... men. I can honestly tell you, as a man myself, we're just not worth it. Become a lesbian, because men will just continue to hurt you.

And if you do become a lesbian, send me pictures. Please?

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