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Old 11-08-03, 06:32 PM   #3
Rob D
Posts: n/a

Consider yourself lucky

always complaining about circumstance.."if only i had another chance",
take a second got good finance & romance..what you wanna enhance?,
instead of whinging...think of the people that have nothing,
put your energy in to helping them..think of the happiness you'd bring,
on the streets..homeless people with just a sleeping bag for warmth,
having to retreat to the subway to gain shelter from the storm,
teenage mothers...with no family or friends to rely on for support,
having to resort to desperate measures for money..and still run short,
people with bleek prospects..yet are still more thankfull than you,
how?continues to perplex..havent got much..but they make do,
how would you cope..if roles were reversed.and circumstances different,
would you give up hope..swear you were god a cunt?,
just remember this next time you feel mistreated to the 10th degree,
consider the should definitely..Consider yourself lucky

dont no show kid,
bitch last week did,
i wanna earn my wins.....