Thread: A lone Rose
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Old 11-08-03, 09:56 PM   #1
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A lone Rose


Walking down a dark street in the middle of the night
A lone rose growing in a crack in the ground, breaking free, growing a world from a single seed
Love is the only things it needs
It roots go deep and at night they creep
And in the darkness of the night it feeds
This is a lonely decree
A last stand of a dying rose
A rose that only god knows
A rose from which beauty flows
The rose has thorns but purely for protection
Its soul has died; it’s a living resurrection
Look close you can see inner mans reflection
Full of hate lies and deception
The rose grows fast thriving on street aggression
Inside its beauty is a world of lessons
Its blood red and its image sticks in your head
And you can’t describe it with words that can’t be said
And you can try to write it but the words they can’t be read
Cause it’s a one rose in a concrete habitat
A dying soul in a lonely hole
And so I stop to admire the dying rose
And out my eye a single tear flows
Cause I have seen beauty that no one knows
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