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Old 11-08-03, 10:49 PM   #4
Presently Light...Waits
Posts: 306
From: Hayes, VA aka Haze-where its hard ta see

Topic: Riot for Romance

Larry Jackson

Larry has never really succeeded in life. He has always been dealt horrible hands. His dad passed away when he was 5 and his mom has been addicted to cocaine for most of his lyfe. He now finds himself impoverished and living off of food stamps with his mom, who can hardly support herself. While “madness” tries to victimize Larry, only one persistent thought maintains his sanity.

Larry (Thinking):
There are only a few things in lyfe that have Riveted and Moved Me/
Feel lyke I’m Livin In a Movie, where time stands still, in tha Deliverance of her Beauty/
Tha decision…I Quiva In it Truly, no response…I’m Beginnin ta beCome UnRuly/
I’m Done Cruising, screw “ground”…I need ta stay on “Solid Feet”/
Time ta Act…Probably, only if she would throw me a glance…Acknowledge Me/
“Dreams” Follow Sleep, “rememba Larry…don’t Scream, Swallow…Breath/”

For Angel…its Summer Break, Larry sees her…than develops a Sudden Shake/
He approaches her slowly…lyke he has Sumthin ta Say/

Larry (Thinking):
Why would she want me? My life is Battered…Abused/
It coincides with broken mirrors…Shattered and Used/
Laugin at Truth, insanity is upon me…Madness is Due/
Tactics Unglued…love without response, could Happen ta You/
Habits Conclude, my adoration…along with Happiness, I Rapidly Lose/
Love is blind, so “Captions” are Used/

He begins Mutterin “Hey”, Her eyes Flutter and she Shutters Away/
He quickly lowers his head and walks by, “maybe Anotha Day”/

Larry (Thinking):
Snap out of it and get back down ta Reality/
Why do ya always have to flounder, React so Cowardly/
I’m completely losin my mind”…not yet, it will be Back in an Hour “G”/
My heart if enveloped in hate, which quickly Devours Me/
Temptation arrives in many forms, “Couldn’t it be Powder-Free”/
Her impact is Tower…Ing, I watch her “Glorious Steps”…Graceful Movement/
Her smile…“Notorious Crest”, Laced with Music/
I Hate tha Way she can Do This”, I’m not “speaking” clearing, my AK is Fluent/

Concealed by Larry’s hoodie, an arsenal is Tucked in his Pants/
Lust in his Rants, Angel remains close,…vision blurred…Dust, in his Glance/

Larry (Thinking):
Rapid Regression, life spirals downward…Massive Depression/
I Ask Love a Question, “Why so much hurt, atleast Pass A Suggestion
You cause Backwards Reflections; my mind has a Grasp on Infection/
Prematurely signin and inscribing my Last will and Testament/
My heart is bleeding…Passionately asking for Protection/

Larry Quits…He is tired of Bearing Hits…Its Scary Ish/
His hoodie Rarely Flips, to expose a knife…which Tears his Wrists/
Strike 3 in lyfe…he Barely Missed, now’s he’s left in Angel’s Dust/
Covered with Abrasions…Cuts, one too many “Hits”, now his Brain is Mush/
Tha Game is Tough, too bad Larry couldn’t Remain in Touch/

News Report:
In otha news taday, Larry Jackson was found dead on MenFightthaDream Street/
Tha brain is what PhenCycLiDine (PCP) Eats/ Apparently it was an Overdose/
Physicians and examiners, said his chances of living were So Remote/
Acquaintances say every “Trip” Larry took…resulted in Comatose/
Coincidentally, he was Known as “Ghost”…even his alias was Ohh, So “Close”/
“Angel Dust” Owned his “Roast”, including hopes…Larry Died with No Chance/
To tha drug…Larry Supplied his Own Hands, in his “mindless” Riot for Romance/
<center> Soft Focus</center>

"I'm stuck with...what i'm Stuck Wit, cause i don't Suck Dick" - Jadakiss
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