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Old 11-08-03, 11:02 PM   #2
junio sixnine
Middle Weight
Posts: 436
From: Boston

its 1 hour b4 the guess this is a noshow
so..pit of death here it is...[do not judge me on this effortless shit, its a noshow]

all i can see is red, im trying to take a breath
am i losin my head, or is this the pit of death?
never again grin, my skin melts and peels off
my weight becomes trim, and my brain becomes soft
im tryin to move out, but the hussle and yells fail
im tryin to scream out as my muscles inside melt
the pain is so bad, i wish i could die now
but the fire aint done as i get swallowed my smoke clouds
its impossible to breath, my lungs and head feels empty
im gasping for breath, but my body doesnt let me
these seconds of torture feel like insane hours gone wrong
i grow numb in the scorture, before my brain powers off